Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Facing difficult times

Acts 16:16-40
Facing disappointments/tough times

Paul and Silas were arrested while they were preaching the gospel.  They were sentenced without a trial.  Then, they were severely flogged and put in stocks.  Instead of giving up or complaining, they immediately started praying and singing hymns.  All the other prisoners were listening to them.  Later, there was an earthquake and all the doors of the cells opened but none of the prisoners escaped.  The guard was amazed and asked to be saved.

Lessons learnt:
1  Focus on God just as Paul and Silas did.
They had a few options.
They could moan and groan in pain – they had every right to...they were severely beaten.
They could also complain and whine about their situation and hold a pity party.
They could withdraw into themselves

2         Instead, they started praying
They immediately went to God in prayer.  They poured their hearts out to God.  Instead of dwelling on their situations – they were imprisoned without a trial.
Paul did not waver from His faith. Sometimes it is difficult to pray because you are at a loss for words... 
Rom 8:26 says: In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

3        Sing praises to Him
The Bible is full of songs.  Singing connects the soul with God..When we are in trouble, singing praises and hymns help keep our minds on the greatness of God and not the situations or the difficulties you are facing.  Learn the secret of worship.
Paul and Silas are great examples of being still and know that He is God. (Psalms 46:10)  We are asked to be still and know He is God.  We are asked to be still and know Him...Be still comes from the root verb surrender, to let go....suggesting that we should give up trusting in ourselves and our own designs and surrender to His power and saving grace. 
Paul surrendered to God and found peace in the midst of chaos.  He felt free even though his hands and feet were bound. 
4        As a result of our faith, others are also encouraged and come to know Christ.  Sometimes it is not about you but about Christ.
As a result, God used Paul to bring the jailer and his family to Christ.  God could also use us as a channel of his blessings if we continue to stay faithful and trust in Him. 

There are times in our lives when we are in some kind of ‘prison’.  It may seem that troubles keep turning up at our door.  There are two things we can do, one, we can hurt alone and dwell in self-pity or we can surrender to God and let him set us free.
Be assured that God knows what is happening and He is in control.

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